Nathan did an amazing job on Sunday with the message. Ephesians 4:1 was his verse point.
"As a prisioner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
My calling is what? Who am I called to be?
I have grown up attending church, been involved in youth group, Sunday school, Woman's ministries, bible studies, leadership, etc. Is that who I am?
I am the second born in my family, lover of sports, reading, camping, games and any fun activity imaginable. Is that who I am?
I am Darin's wife, Mrs. Beaver, mom to four, cook, cleaner, driver, activities organizier, and family rallier. Is that who I am?
I am a procrastinator, a yeller, a cryer, a laugher at all things corny, and lover of life.
Is that who I am?
The problem is that at this my point in life shouldn't I know who I am and what I am called to do? Well newsflash I don't know who I am or my purpose.
So I will put this before the Lord and wait patiently for his answer. Mmmm probably not so patiently as I am who I am.
p.s. funny sidenote ...I know who I am not. (I am not perfect, polished and politically correct)That at least is a starting point.
beavers by the river

giggling goofballs
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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awesome ... God has given you such raw passion ... enjoy God this week ... nathan
I think that you are in a good place, you are all of those things and more. You are a daughter of the Living God and that's what matters most! Your hunger is awesome!
I love this blog. I think we are always changing. Especially as mom's as our kids get older God gives us new gifts and grace to handle new issues with our kids.
Jen you are a bold woman of God. You have very few inhibitions. God uses that in you to bring people to him.
You have the gift of hospitality. Anyone could come to your home and feel completely at home.
You are a mother hen. You take care of your own. Your friends, your kids, husband. You are quick to defend and spread those wings of protection.
You are a loyal and trustworthy wife. Who knows where Darren would be without you. Hehehe!
Those are just a few things that I see in you. There are many more of these things that make you into you.
Sometimes we can't see who we are because that is all we know in ourselves.
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