beavers by the river

beavers  by the river
giggling goofballs

Monday, April 7, 2008

Now I am accountable

When I started to blog I thought ' Nobody knows. I can be as random as free money in the mail.' Then I told my bff ( I told her I would call her that) Diane and now she wants something to look forward to. Well I think I am pretty boring but this diamond of a friend seems to like me. She is one of those rare people you can be on the surface of conversation talking about the crazies in our world and then dive straight to the depths of 'What do you really think God has for me to do?" I really love her. Many a time we have caught up in the little spaces not really carved out for anything. She is my bouncer. I bounce all of the things I probably wouldn't tell another soul to. She feels around my ideas for all of the rough edges and bounces back to me my ideas in many different scenarios. I feel I do that for her also. She and I always push the boundaries of our imagination on planning what would be a great trip, spring break, summer activity i.e just about anytime you can plan. We always seem to see our plans through rose colored glasses no matter how many times our plans end up a fiasco. We press on for the next better time. I think if we clued our kids in on how our plans were imagined and how we viewed their roles as idyllic angels who request nothing but air to breathe maybe we could pull off a fantasy excursion. Knowing our kids I doubt it. They have we too many ideas of their own. Darn those intelligent freethinking individuals. Where are the robots we signed up to raise! Inevitable a sleep over is always planned. And not for Diane or I! Its starts as the conspiratorial whisper and furtive glances in our direction. We are constantly obvious to it until it is too late. We are usually grateful for a moment of chatter. Then they dive bomb us with such intricately laid out plans the pentagon might want to interview this mere mortals on their planning tactics. Rare has been the occasion that we have been able to outmaneuver their rebuttals but the victory is usually short for we have appeased their cries of 'unfair' with promises of a later date. They do not let you forget. I wish I could program their unrelenting memories to reminding me of important dates like ... bill due dates.. tax appointment dates... trash day. They are selective in remembering what is important in their realm of fun.. Sounds like someone else I know who should be doing the never ending chore of laundry, sweeping, cleaning something at this moment. Oh don't get me wrong my children are individual gems of amazing personality. But that is for many more blogs on other dates. I will sign off and go tend to the offending tasks of my house. Bother! I just remembered it is minimum day and need to dash to walk two of my beloveds home. For my friend Diane I will end this in a way to make her laugh! PEACE OUT!


Emily Branca said...

Oh I'm excited that you've began to blog! And yes, now you ARE accountable. :) What fun, what fun.

idiot said...

HA!! Beaver Tales! I like it!

R.Voss said...

Just wait until THEY start reading your blog, then the best laid plans are nothing compared to the machinations of kids. Wow. JB is a blogger.

Anna said...

Jen you really should write another blog! You are killing us all with this suspense!!! :)