Wow! This is going to make me sound like MOTY ( code for mother of the year). So crazy Saturday starts with my husband and I dividing and conquering regarding baseball. The day goes relatively smooth, with every child at their appointed place on time. Good. I go to church, say the announcements, meet and greet, and head over to the last ball game. My husband is there with all the boys and our neighbor's son Mason. I show up with the in-laws, my friend Ronda, her daughter and mine. Game is fun. Alex plays well. Yada yada yada. Now it is late. 9pm late. Dinner at home will take us well into 10pm to prep, so off we go to The Birded Nest ( otherwise known as Red Robin). Ok now I am looking bad for the late dinner too, which I did supplement with jerky, cheese sticks, sunflower seeds, and Powerade. We eat and have a merry old time with 6 kids and 3 adults. Man it's getting late, so we head on home, saying our goodbyes to Ronda and family. I was the first one home, which is important to the kids. I do my best. As we unload the chaos of the day, my husband says
" Ryan, get your ball bag out of my truck."
I say "He was in your truck, why didn't he just pull in out then?"
To which my husband replies " No, he rode with you."
I now doubt myself and ask Kaleb, " Did Ryan ride with us?" He shakes his head no. Ummm...........what? Darin and I look at each other and I say
" Hurry back, he might not have noticed yet!" If you know Ryan, this is indeed possible. He could lose time in the game room. So Darin speeds on his way, I thank God we only live 5 minutes from the restaurant. As I walk in, the phone rings. It is Andy, our server ( who I have known since high school) He informs me he has a very sad little boy. I talk to Ryan and reassure him daddy should be there any second. He tells me that he went to the bathroom and when he came out we were all gone. My heartbreaks, knowing what he must have been feeling. He returns home looking like a sad little puppy, I hug him and reassure him we are sorry and let him know next time to let us know when he decides to use the facilities. Off we go to bed, with all the Beavers tucked merrily in. So ends my day! The next day is Mother's Day, thank goodness I was one day short on my errant ways.
beavers by the river

giggling goofballs
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
So my son was late to school
Yes my son Ryan was late to school. Usually that is not worthy of a blog post but today it is. Mornings at the Beaver's are a little crazy. Kaleb, my 12yr old, is usually the first one up, with my husband gone by then. K gets up between 5:30 and 6. Momma not so much. I am like a star, I shine at night and am out by morning. I usually pop up around 7ish. Well this morning in the hurry and flurry, kids getting bagels, grabbing backpacks, me doing chores etc, it went a little awry. Kaleb popped his head into the room I was in and said "Bye mom, we are leaving now, I love you!" to which I replied "All right, I love you too, have a great day!" and off the kids left for school. They walk the 3 minutes it takes and K likes being early...probably why they like walking.. Mom is not early and definitely not in the morning. Alex goes later, around 8:10 and he is driven to his school. Well my mom popped in and asked if she could take A and I said sure. As they were leaving I see Ryan's backpack and groaned " Agghh. Ryan left his backpack can you drop it off at the school ".. Ryan tends to forget.... a lot. So off they go. The house is quiet, I am doodling around, when I hear footsteps. Now let me tell you footsteps in your house when you are all alone is not okay! With alarm I turned, frozen. Not run, Jen , run! No stay and see who it is, classic bad movie no no! And down the hall trod.........Ryan! Apparently I did not notice he was not up in the flurry of the morning. If you have seen my kids you would know how one can be confused from another... especially in my pre-coffee haze. After my mild heart attack, I called the school and told them the story and explained that if they called his room for him to come get his backpack, he would not be there. So we hustled Ryan together and dropped him off late. Sandy, in the office, said " That is the first time I have heard that one!" Me too! Anyways now to start my day, I will do headcounts. Hopefully I will come up with four!
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