beavers by the river

beavers  by the river
giggling goofballs

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My boy loves his daddy!

So this cute scene is what I saw while I was hard at work cleaning and cooking for my sweet family. ( insert reading/stalking my new favorite blogger, My youngest and quite energetic son Ryan had climbed into his daddy's truck to do his reading. Mind you it is a lot quieter in there than in the house where mom is rocking out to 90's music. He is also probably noticing that his daddy has been really hard at work and focused on his new love ( creating counter tops of magnificent presentation) . So what better place to find solace and peace of heart and mind than in your daddy's truck.
Yep that profile looks vaguely familiar. I too have locked myself in my van when the darlings of my life were a little to loud and busy. I was still on premises to mind hazards but could answer the phone without saying " I can't read your mouth, whispering while I'm on the phone just frustrates both of us. Stop it and wait til I'm off. No, you can wait. Ugghh never mind, nice patient person on the line I'll have to call you back ." Any way back to the sweet sentiment in my line of vision.

Good to see him slow down and enjoy a good book like his mommy would love to do about now. Loves to my Ryan.

1 comment:

Momofgirls said...