So, a couple of weeks ago, my son Alex was telling me, that after his fun 13th birthday, some friends at school wanted to come over and hang out. I thought it was a great idea. I mean I really like his friends, they are great! So we printed out a couple dozen fliers and I sent him on his way. Well this friday the 21st was the day. We ended up with 17 boys. That in addition to the two neighbor boys and our four kids we had 23 . I was so excited. I mean who doesn't like a fun party. Everyone came over right after school. I had apples, apple dip, a veggie tray, and rice crispies. I would of posted pictures but ....... they didn't last very long. After they ate the snack they headed off to the school down the street from us. We live in an amazing cul-de-sac that is a block from the school. I knew when those boys got back would be hungry so I made a huge pot of chili, green salad and 15 lbs of baked potatoes. I put out all of the bake potatoe toppings I could think of and in 3hours it was on!!

Boys playing football in our backyard after dinner.

Seth checking his injury status.. Thank goodness he didn't end up on the injury reserve list.

Setting their plan and tossing the looks!

Kaleb cracking me up!

Ohh I think it was a completed pass ! Who is at the bottom in the red sweatshirt! I don't see a head.

Inside for brownies, popcorn, ice cream, rice crispies, chocolate chip cookies and some Wii playing. Of course it was Madden Wii.... I mean we can't just stop playing football.. They only came in because it was after 10 p.m. and we would like to keep the neighbors happy.

Most of the boys spent the night too. They played nerf gun wars throughout the house and wall ball and four square in the garage. I put a movie in at 12:00 so they might get sleepy. Hey a girl could dream! Some of the kids stayed up all night. They even set an alarm to get up at 5:00 a.m. to go play football at the school but it was too dark. They let me sleep til 8:00. ( I was up til 4a.m.) I made them chocolat chip pancakes and sent them off to play football.

They slept on hard wood floors!

Here is what was left from my pot off chili. Everyone headed home by 11 a.m. Ahhhh ! what a fun night. And no you don't get to see pictures of my house post party. Leave it to your imagination! Yes it was bad but worth it. Those boys were great and I would do again in a heart beat! I probably will in a couple of months . I mean we have to get through my anniversary, Thanksgiving, Ashley's birthday, Christmas, and New Years. Hmmm January sounds like a great month to do this again!