I can't believe it has been 21 days since I last posted on here. It seems like it was only last week. Ok. This Monday it was my 33rd birthday. I love my birthday. I love getting older. Yes it will be fine to leave belated birthday wishes as my husband claims my birthday is actually a birthweek. Jealous! Anyway I have let the house rest this week and it looks like it needs help. I guess since no one has knocked on my door to clean for me it shall be my own adventure.
My kids are awesome! I have such cool kids. I really enjoy every year more. They all have such fun personalities. My junior higher Alex is becoming more and more mature. He tolerates my goofiness with such great aplomb. He has learned to balance sports and school this year. His grades did a roller coaster in mid year but he kept plugging away . Now he is on honor roll and on two baseball teams. Unfortunately the girls are also realizing what a great guy he is. For now he seems to be dodging the crazy girl bullet. Besides as he tells me he doesn't have time for them and he says you only date to find your wife. Good job! Alas I know personally how persistent girls can be...... so does my husband. Five years of stalking my prey and now thirteen years of marriage later my husband claims payback will be stalking this mama! Not with my boys! " Look! Over there! A bunny!" It worked when they were three!
My Kaleb or as he is called by his sibs KK, is so smart and sweet and talented. When I pick him up at the bus top he is ALWAYS happy! His fifth grade teacher loves him. Yeah.. because he is awesome! He is the star player on his baseball team and such a leader. He always rallies up people around him. A very positive friend to have. He will be joining Alex in junior high in June. Crazy!
Ryan. What words do I have to describe Ryan. Highly intelligent. Scored 100% in math on state testing and in the 97 -98 for reading. He is a third grader in a fifth graders body. He is so tall. I tell everyone HGH. We thought we would try it on one of our kids. joking! He would give away all of his possessions if anyone asked. Loves everyone and always makes friends where ever he goes. His soccer abilities have really shown how he is gaining control over his ever lengthening body. His high energy is amazing, sometimes overwhelming. If you are up for playing regardless of your age or gender, Ryan will show you how to have fun.
Child number four... Ashley. My creative artist, awesome ball player, my rival for daddy's attention, my fashion fun girl. What that girl can't do I have yet to see! She loves a challenge and she loves to win. Daddy's girl all the way! If she is this driven at 7 good grief! Her teacher said she will own her own business or be CEO someday because of how driven she is. Lucky girl has a kickback loony lady for a mom! As luck would have it they all think I am great....for the moment. I am neither naive or blind. I am however hopeful. Hopefully that by following God and praying hard for and with my children they will grow up to be close to God. If they are successful at that, I will be sooo glad! No job, profession, status or salary will make me as happy as their relationship with God.. I am forever feeling like I am failing them spiritually.
I know this is satan begging me to give up. If he is trying so hard to make me feel a failure then God has something awesome planned for them. I know he has given me the greatest gift of raising these wonderful creatures. Every day I will plug onward. Keep the Beaver family in your prayers, with this many of us we need it!
P.S. Yes, I pointed out and praised the positive in my children. 1. Because rarely in this world do moms rejoice publicly about their children, most complain. 2. I am human and I will rant in the future about further mishaps. Lets start on a positive foot.
beavers by the river

giggling goofballs
Friday, May 2, 2008
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